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18. Student. Blogger. Nail Varnish Enthusiast.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Jewelstar Jo

My Mum has been making jewellery for many years now because she struggled to find reasonably priced jewellery that she could wear, as she is allergic to metal. She has always been fascinated by gemstones and fossils so decided to combine these two passions to make beautiful unique pieces of jewellery.She also sells everything you need to make your own jewellery for all you creative types out there.

I truly think that there is a piece of jewellery for everybody at my Mum's shop.

This is just a small selection of some of the jewellery my Mum produces, I have a lot of jewellery from JewelstarJo so I know it is good quality and lasts. She has been teaching me how to make jewellery too so anybody can learn a new skill and hobby. 

Do you like hand made original jewellery? Do you want be individual? If so, check out Jewelstar Jo  for gemstone jewellery at high street prices!



Lindsey Elizabeth Pritchard said...

What a talented mother you have! The jewellery looks so beautiful and earthy (if you get what I mean). Well done her!

Lindsey. x

Ra'eesa said...

Love these. You are very lucky to have such a talented mom. I'm really into these type of statement jewelry at the moment
Found your blog via the bbloggers blog hop

Hola Bambi said...

Wow come really cute bits xx

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