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18. Student. Blogger. Nail Varnish Enthusiast.

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Winterlicious Tag

I was tagged by the lovely Poppy at Feather Light Beauty.

1. What is your favorite winter nail polish?
I have had this dark red for years, I got it is a new look gift set one Christmas.

2. What is your favorite winter lip product?
Rosy Pink Vaseline, I have been using it everyday as the weather has been so cold, I also have it in my bag at all times.

3. Favorite winter clothing piece?
I don't know whether this counts, but my boots I got for Christmas last year, I have been living in them.
4. Most worn winter accessory?
My burgundy scarf from Primark, it cost £6 and comes in lots of different colours.
5. Favorite winter scent/candle?
Oranges, they always remind me of Christmas.

6. Favorite winter beverage?
Hot Chocolate.

7. Favorite winter/holiday movie?
I love watching Christmas films, but I don't have a favorite.

8. Favorite Christmas song?
Anything Shakin Stevens, my Dad plays him every Christmas.

9. Favorite holiday treat/food?
I've said this before, but it is Terry's Chocolate Orange, we get one every year as a present.

10. What is top on your Christmas list?
I've not really asked for anything, so I don't know what is coming.

11. What is your agenda for Christmas?
To spend time with family and have fun.

If you have had a go at this tag let me know and leave a link in the comments, I love reading what other people put.


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