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18. Student. Blogger. Nail Varnish Enthusiast.

Sunday, 27 January 2013

A Walk in the Woods

Today I woke up and the last of the snow had gone, finally. I'm a bit of a Scrooge when it comes to snow, it looks pretty when it first arrives but after that I'm really not a fan. Today, my Mum, our neighbor Sarina and I decided to go for a walk and we took the dog Bella.

It was so muddy because all the snow had melted and it had chucked it down with rain last night but we were walking for two hours and had a really lovely time. 

Me and Bella had lots of fun running through the fields and playing fetch, although she did loose the stick almost everytime. She is always so excited and bouncy, she wouldn't stop running around the woods and the fields.

 The walk resulted in a very dirty me.
 And a very dirty Bella.

Now I'm back in bed in my brand new bed sheets that I absolutely love, blogging, listening to music and staying warm.

How are you spending your Sunday?



Oh My Style said...

Beautiful photos :)

I'm following from the #bbloggers blog hop :)

Fragile Bird said...

Aw bless, I love taking the dog for a walk!

Please come and check out my latest post if you have a few minutes spare :)



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