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18. Student. Blogger. Nail Varnish Enthusiast.

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Nail Varnish Spending Ban Wish List

When you've been told you can't have something you want it even more. My Sister has challenged me to a nail varnish spending ban until her birthday on the 3rd April. Since starting this in January I have achieved it. However, I have created a wish list of the polishes I want to buy as soon as I am off this ban. 

1. Models Own, Mirror Ball Collection - I have the pink and the blue one and they are absolutely amazing. I'm so excited to try the green one as I don't have a green glitter. Their glitter chunks are much bigger than your average glitter polish, this gives them a unique finish.

2. OPI, Muppet Collection - I have been lusting after these for so long now, when they first came out I saw so many swatches and I fell in love but I haven't managed to buy any. 

3. Essie, Where's My Chauffeur -  I've never tried an Essie polish before, and this is a lovely colour that would be ideal to start on.

4. Models Own, Beach Party - I love this colour, it is so bright and in your face, it is the perfect color for Summer. I have the Hed Kandi Ibiza Mix and I this this will look amazing with it.

I'm looking forward to coming off this ban now so I can buy all the pretty colours for Spring/Summer 2013.


1 comment:

Natalia said...

Model's Own polishes look amazing! x

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