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18. Student. Blogger. Nail Varnish Enthusiast.

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Hair Ideas - Messy Doughnut

I love this hair style at the minute, it is so quick and easy to do and it looks like you have taken a lot of time on your hair. I got my doughnut really cheap from Primark, they have loads of different sizes and colours, I got a dark brown large one as I have quite long hair.

To achieve this look I put my hair in a high pony tail, then put my doughnut half way up it and tucked the ends of my hair under the doughnut. Finally I rolled the doughnut down my ponytail and just did some little adjustments, I used no hair grips to secure it into place and it stayed in all day and didn't move, however you can use them to make this a bit more fixed. It's as simple as that.

Have you used a doughnut before?


samanthaw8 said...

I love using my doughnut, it makes such a quick, simple yet stylish hairstyle :)

Unknown said...

I really need to invest in one for my lazy hair days! I have such long thick hair it would be such a help!


LooweezBx said...

I'm going to need to try this method! I have a hair doughnut but I'm useless with it, my hair is very long and thick so if I just put it over my ponytail there's too much excess! xx

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